Woo hoo, it's the first day of Bike Wise Month! To mark the occasion, we talked to our regular Guest Blogger, Tanya Winter, about her ride to work this morning and the importance of being seen while cycling.
I’m going to sound like I have just come off the Ark, but when I first started cycling there was no such thing as fluro gear.
You tried to wear bright-ish clothing and used big, heavy bike lights, where the “D” batteries lasted about 5 rides, but that was about it. You just hoped motorists and pedestrians saw you.
I did have a few dodgy moments in the heart of Wellington in those days (not THOSE kind of dodgy moments!). Ones where I had car doors opened on me, people walk across the road in front of me, and cars not give way to me. Funny, I didn’t really put two and two together back then to conclude that they simply could not see me.
Nowadays there is no excuse not to be seen on your bike. I’m not talking about being lit up like a Christmas tree or anything, but enough so people can see you from afew hundred metres away. Fluro clothing and small, energy efficient bike lights are relatively cheap and easy to come by. It is really important that other road (and cycle pathway) users can see you.
This morning I cycled to work as it is day one of BikeWise month and I’m helping my team whip all the others in Council. But that is a different story! Although February is generally the hottest month in the Hawke’s Bay, I have noticed that the mornings are starting to get darker. I cycled in with my biking buddy Craig, and both of us had front and rear bike lights on. I also wore my fluro bike top, which I purchased for about $20 from a website called Torpedo7. And I bought a nifty fluro bike bag cover which slips over my back pack from Avanti Hastings, again for about $20. It’s amazing how confident and comfortable you feel when you know people can see you.
For most of the journey this morning we were sharing the road with cars doing 100km/h. It is important they can see us.
So, enjoy Bike Wise month everyone. Ride safe. Ride strong.
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